Ole kursis viimaste H2oLabs uudistega!
Faktid vee kohta:
Avaldatud: 10. mai 2012
- Meie tervise ja ellujäämise seisukohast kõige olulisem element on samas ka kõige ignoreeritum – vesi!
- Veega seotud haigused on number 1 surma põhjus ning vesi on vastutav 80% haiguste eest üle maailma.
- Industriaalne ja looduslik veevarude reostatus on ületamas kriitilist piiri.
- Eksperdid nõustuvad, et meie avalikud veevarud on tegelikult kaitseta terroristide ees, kes võivad igal ajal rünnata.
Pudelivesi: Puhas jook või Puhas mull?
Avaldatud: 10. mai 2012
Samas kui pudeliveeturg annab edasi kuvandi puhtusest, ei paku nende ebaadekvaatsed määrused mingit kindlust. Viimastel aastatel on siin riigis pudelivee tarbimine plahvatuslikult kasvanud, suuresti “puhtuse” avaliku kuvandi tulemusena, mida pakub reklaam ning pakendite etiketid põlistest liustikest ja kristallselgest mägiallikaveest. Kuid Ameerika Ühendriikides müüdav pudelivesi ei ole tingimata puhtam ja turvalisem tavalisest kraaniveest, nagu näitab NRDC poolt läbi viidud viimatiavaldatud 4-aastane teaduslik uurimus.
Vaata lähemalt: NRDC.org
Al Qaeda Warns of Threat to Water Supply!
Published: 1/9/2012
A spokesman for al Qaeda has told an Arabic-language newsmagazine that the terror group will try to use poisons to attack the United States, specifically threatening to contaminate the nation's water supply. Abu Mohammed al-Ablaj told the London-based al-Majallah magazine that "al Qaeda [does not rule out] using sarin gas and poisoning drinking water in U.S. and Western cities".
See: Washington Times
H2oLabs Systems make the very PUREST water
Published: 1/9/2012
Distilled water is the PUREST form of drinking water available. NO OTHER PROCESS of water purification is as EFFECTIVE. Home water filtration and reverse osmosis systems don't compare. H2o Labs Home Water Systems make water BRAND NEW again and Fresh as Rain, Nature's Way! No other water purification system can do that.
Water distillation systems PAY FOR THEMSELVES!
Published: 1/9/2012
Water distillation is a VERY ECONOMICAL way to purify drinking water. When considering the high cost of bottled water, (whether store-bought or delivered), distillation saves a very considerable amount of money. Also because no expensive filter cartridges are required, there are virtually no other costs associated with distillation other than the small amount of electricity required, which typically amounts to only 22 cents per gallon, (compared to $1 or more for a small bottle of water). Your H2oLabs Water Distillation System will pay for itself, over and over again!
Distilled Water is MADE FRESH to TASTE GREAT!
Published: 1/9/2012
While it is very true that store-bought distilled water can taste flat, it is NOT the case when you make your own distilled water fresh every day. Because store-bought bottled distilled water has to be transported and then sits in warehouses and on store shelves up to months on end, it will become flat and also can pick up plastic taste and odor from the bottles. But when you are making water brand new again through the distillation process and consume it while it is fresh, there is no "taste" at all, because there is nothing in the water to taste.
Published: 1/9/2012
We get 95% of the minerals we need from the foods we eat, not the water we drink. It is not sensible to get a very small amount of minerals from our drinking water by also consuming all of the bad minerals and other pollutants and contaminates contained in drinking water. It is like saying, "Go eat a handful of dirt from your backyard because it might also contain a few good minerals." People who say that you need to get minerals from your drinking water are uninformed to put it kindly.